jueves, 31 de octubre de 2013


Solemnidad de Todos los Santos (Mateo 5, 1-12a) :

La  fiesta de Todos los Santos, nos lleva a mirar al cielo, pero no sólo para contemplar a Dios, sino también a todos aquellos  que ya gozan de su compañía para siempre. Personas que tuvieron una vida como la nuestra, no exenta  de tribulación, contradicción, fatiga y esfuerzo; sin embargo, tal y como nos recuerdan las Bienaventuranzas, experimentaron la felicidad que genera permanecer con Dios, sean cuales sean las circunstancias.
Al invocar o simplemente conocer las vidas de los santos, somos alentados a avanzar por su mismo camino, el marcado por Jesucristo; es decir, llegar a Dios y encontrar el verdadero sentido de la vida.

Fuente: revista Magnificat.

domingo, 27 de octubre de 2013

THIS WEEK´S TOPIC 2nd, 3rd, 4th ESO

Posted by Angela Glassmeyer on Oct 25, 2013 in Family, Featured, Saints |  

Halloween reminds us that if we confront our fear of death in small ways throughout our lives, we will be more willing to take that final step at the end of our earthly journey. Learning to laugh at fearsome costumes is one way to do that. We discover that death is just one more disguise.


Each issue carries an imprimaturfrom the Archdiocese of Cincinnati. Reprinting prohibited
We’re so familiar with pumpkins, black cats, witches’ hats, and skeletons at this time of year that we often don’t give much thought to what lies behind this orange-and-black extravaganza. Halloween has become a huge secular and consumer holiday, at times rivaling Christmas in hype and popularity. From candy to decorations to costumes to elaborate parties, Halloween is now the big autumn celebration.

A quick look at costume choices on kids trick-or-treating through any neighborhood gives us some idea of what Halloween has come to mean. Superheroes are a perennial favorite, as are various animals, princesses, pirates, and clowns, as well as skeletons, witches, and mummies. Harry Potter and his mates from Hogwarts now roam the streets, and zombies are everywhere.

Each year, we hear Halloween is an ancient pagan festival that was taken over by the Church. Or we hear it’s a celebration of evil and witchcraft and that Christians shouldn’t take part in it. But from its earliest beginnings, this holiday was linked to the feast of All Saints. The word Halloween is a shortened form of “All Hallows Eve,” the day before All Saints’ Day. Hallow is the same word for “holy” that we find in the Lord’s Prayer, and e’en is a contraction of “evening.”

In fact, the connection between Halloween, the saints, and medieval Catholic customs may have been the reason the holiday has been criticized since the time of the Reformation. So let’s take a look at why this day is something to celebrate.

Costumes and Customs

The tradition of Halloween costumes has its roots in the Middle Ages as a reaction to the outbreaks of bubonic plague, now known as the Black Death. As Europe lost nearly half of its population, the survivors were deeply concerned about questions of the afterlife.

Historian Father Augustine Thompson, O.P., writes in a BeliefNet article about Halloween, “More Masses were said on All Souls’ Day, and artistic representations were devised to remind everyone of their own mortality. We know these representations as the danse macabre, or ‘dance of death,’ which was commonly painted on the walls of cemeteries and shows the devil leading popes, kings, ladies, knights, monks, peasants, lepers, etc. into the tomb. Sometimes the dance was presented on All Souls’ Day itself as a living tableau with people dressed up in the garb of various states of life.”

As we and our children choose costumes for celebrating this holiday, we might think about how our choices express who we are, who we want to be, what we desire, what we fear. We might dress as saints; we might dress as sinners. The wide variety reminds us that God’s love is available to all.

The custom of going door to door asking for treats of some kind can be found in a variety of ethnic traditions in Europe and among immigrants to the United States. Sometimes it is combined with a harvest festival; other times it is part of visiting family graves in the cemetery.

In the Northern Hemisphere, Halloween coincides with the end of the harvest season. Even those of us who live in cities resonate with turning leaves, apples and cider, pumpkins, decorative cornstalks, and other autumn images. It’s no coincidence that as the summer’s vegetation dies and the fields lie fallow, our thoughts turn to our own deaths.

Page Zyromski, in the Catholic Update “How Halloween Can Be Redeemed,” tells us that in the Middle Ages “there was a superstition that those who had died the previous year without being reconciled to you might rise to haunt you, appearing as will-o’-the-wisps or ghosts. The apparition jarred you so you would release them by prayer and forgiveness. You might also appease them with ‘soul cakes’—cookies, fried cakes, ‘treats’—so they wouldn’t do you any mischief with their ‘tricks.’ Soon those who were living began to use the occasion for reconciliation. To wipe the slate clean for the coming year, they came, masked and unrecognizable, and boldly bargained for treats.”

In our own day, whether or not our children have ready access to candy and other sweets during the year, Halloween is still the kind of super-abundance of treats that we might think of as a metaphor of God’s grace, free for the asking.

To Be Hallowed

Halloween and its back-to-back feast days of All Saints and All Souls offer us an opportunity to talk about what it means to be holy. The Gospel for the November 1 Feast of All Saints includes the Beatitudes from Matthew’s Gospel. “Blessed are the poor in Spirit.... Blessed are the meek.... Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for justice.... Blessed are those who mourn.” The saints model for us what living these Beatitudes might look like.

“I believe...in the communion of saints,” we say every Sunday in the Creed. Whether or not we believe, as our ancestors did, that at this time of year, the veil between life and death thins, our faith tells us that those in heaven and those on earth are united in the one kingdom of God. We ask the saints to pray for us the same way we might ask a good friend to pray.

Death is a fact of life. When St. Francis of Assisi lay dying he said, “Welcome, Sister Death,” recognizing that death was just another creaturely thing in a world that would one day pass away.

Halloween reminds us that if we confront our fear of death in small ways throughout our lives, we will be more willing to take that final step at the end of our earthly journey. Learning to laugh at fearsome costumes is one way to do that. We discover that death is just one more disguise. 


Octava entrega de: "Las tribulaciones educativas de Klaus Tudent"

viernes, 25 de octubre de 2013


XXX DOMINGO tiempo ordinario C (Lucas 18,9-14)
La oración nos muestra qué idea tenemos de Dios, pero también lo que pensamos sobre nosotros mismos. Por eso, para orar verdaderamente, debemos reconocernos necesitados y darnos cuenta de la distancia infinita que hay entre Dios y nosotros.
El fariseo orgulloso del evangelio de hoy no conoce  el amor de Dios porque tampoco conoce la profundidad de su pobreza. El publicano por el contrario, conoce la santidad de Dios porque se sabe indigno; pero al mismo tiempo es consciente de que todo bien en nosotros sólo es posible porque Dios lo obra.

Fuente: revista Magníficat.

domingo, 20 de octubre de 2013


Source: Sky News.
De Villota Death 'Directly Linked To Crash 12th October  2013

A statement issued by the family read: "Maria left us while she was sleeping, approximately at 6am (on Friday), as a consequence of the neurological injuries she suffered in July of 2012, according to what the forensic doctor has told us.

"Maria is gone, but she has left a very clear message of joy and hope which is helping the family move on in these moments."

Dr Joaquin Lucena Romero, the head of forensic services at Spain’s Institute for Legal Medicine, has declared de Villota's death was "due to natural causes" following a post-mortem.

But Britain's Health and Safety Executive (HSE) say they are still investigating potential links between the accident 15 months ago and her death last week.

An HSE spokeswoman stated the organisation "would expect to be kept informed of any new evidence".

The accident occurred after 33-year-old de Villota had been test-driving an MR-01 race car for Marussia, the English-Russian Formula One team based in Oxfordshire.

After driving the vehicle at speeds of 200mph she pulled off the track and accidentally hit a stationary vehicle at low speed.

The accident left her in a critical condition and caused the loss of her right eye, though she made a remarkable recovery after just a month in hospital. Marussia were cleared of liability relating to the car

The Grand Prix Drivers' Association (GPDA) have announced they will hold a minute of silence at Sunday's Japanese Grand Prix.

A statement released by the GPDA read: "All F1 drivers of the Grand Prix Drivers' Association are very saddened to hear of the tragic death of our former member Maria de Villota.

"She has been an active member and contributed to driver safety in a very enthusiastic and most professional manner.

"Her positive attitude, maturity and extreme commitment will never be forgotten and are something we have learned from. Maria will be missed and always remembered by all of us."

THIS WEEK´S TOPIC 2nd ESO from First News

by First News Reporter Tuesday, 15 October 2013
Hundreds of people called to help police search for Madeleine McCann this week, more than six years after she went missing.
Madeleine was 3 years-old when she disappeared on holiday in Portugal in May 2007. She hasn’t been seen since. UK police are investigating the case, though – and think they have made a number of important steps forward recently.
On Monday (14 October), the McCann family made a fresh TV appeal for help to find her. Nearly 500 viewers called up with information which they thought might help. Officers have released an efit computer-generated image of a man they would like to talk to.
“These cases can get solved and that's what the public need to think about,” Gerry McCann, Madeleine’s dad, said.


Séptima entrega de: "Las tribulaciones educativas de Klaus Tudent"

jueves, 17 de octubre de 2013


XXIX DOMINGO  ORDINARIO C (Evangelio: Lucas 18, 1-8).
Dios no es un juez injusto, que hace justicia a regañadientes y por malos motivos ni tampoco es alguien que sólo ayuda cuando se le pide.
La verdadera imagen de Dios nos viene de Jesús, quien no es simplemente el Antiguo  Testamento mejorado; sino "Buena Noticia", una novedad estupenda que cambia nuestros  esquemas y nuestro estilo.
Igualmente, hoy celebramos el Domingo Mundial de las Misiones, el DOMUND. La Iglesia que peregrina en Navarra, nos pide nuestra oración y aportación económica  para colaborar en esta gran labor que realizan nuestros misioneros por todo el mundo.

Fuente: Taco-Calendario del Corazón de Jesús.

domingo, 13 de octubre de 2013

This week´s topic (3rd-4th ESO): Malala Wins EU's Sakharov Human Rights Prize 10th October 2013. Source: Sky news.

The 16-year-old, who has become a symbol of the fight against the militants, has also been nominated for the Nobel peace prize.

Fugitive US intelligence analyst Edward Snowden, who leaked details of secret surveillance programmes, and a group of jailed Belarus dissidents, had been in the running for the prestigious £42,000 Sakharov award.

Previous winners include Nelson Mandela and Burmese activist Aung San Suu Kyi.

Europe's three major political groups had nominated Malala in a show of united support for her cause.

"The European Parliament acknowledges the incredible strength of this young woman," said Martin Schulz, president of the EU legislature.

"Malala bravely stands for the right of all children to be granted a fair education. This right for girls is far too commonly neglected."

The chairman of the conservative European People's Party (EPP), Joseph Daul, added: "Today, we decided to let the world know that our hope for a better future stands in young people like Malala Yousafzai."

But the Pakistani Taliban claimed the teenage activist had done "nothing" to deserve the award, and vowed to try to kill her again.

A spokesman said: "She has done nothing. The enemies of Islam are awarding her because she has left Islam and has become secular."

Malala was shot in the head by the militant group in October last year for campaigning for girls' schooling.

The attack sparked international condemnation, and following treatment in Britain, she has gone on to become a global ambassador for the right of all children to an education.

Malala now lives in the UK with her family, but has spoken of her plans to return to Pakistan when she has received a full education and is "fully empowered".

The Sakharov prize for freedom of thought has been given by the European Parliament each year since 1988 to commemorate Soviet scientist and dissident Andrei Sakharov.


Sexta entrega de: "Las tribulaciones educativas de Klaus Tudent"

sábado, 12 de octubre de 2013

12 de Octubre Virgen del Pilar, día de la Hispanidad.

Muchas felicidades a todas las "Pilares" -Sor Pilar Maeztu, Pilar Íñigo, Pilar Martínez Abadía...- a los aragoneses, la Benemérita y a todos los que nos sentimos hispanos.

viernes, 11 de octubre de 2013

Prejuicios atribuidos a Dios

XXVIII del Tiempo Ordinario C (Lucas 17, 11-19)

Este domingo nos encontramos a Jesús sanando a diez leprosos, de los cuales sólo uno – samaritano para más señas- vuelve para dar gloria a Dios. A Dios no le detienen nuestros prejuicios. Es de todos y para todos, porque todos somos sus hijos.
 Mirando despacio y detenidamente a Jesús, vemos el verdadero rostro de Dios.
Dios es como el médico, no como el juez. Es como el pastor, no como el lobo que acecha para matar. El que hable de otro dios es que no ha conocido a Jesús, ni le ha creído.

Fuente: Taco-Calendario del Corazón de Jesús.


Otro año más, los alumnos de tercero ESO A, van a seguir los pasos de San Vicente, permitiendo que Jecika Thelemake pueda seguir estudiando un año más. Aquí os adjuntamos una foto de nuestra guapísima

martes, 8 de octubre de 2013


a estar más sano.
En otoño algunas personas experimentan un decaer del estado de ánimo. Para evitar ese malestar y, sobre todo, para impedir que se agudice el problema, los expertos recomiendan sonreír. Sí, la sonrisa es el mejor método para combatir la depresión otoñal, ya que activando los músculos faciales de la sonrisa ayudamos a eliminar la hidrocortisona del núcleo amigdaliano del cerebro.
La carcajada es la mejor terapia para combatir todo tipo de desajustes y enfermedades psicológicas, ya que al reír se liberan endorfinas y nos sentimos más felices. Una sonrisa es el mejor accesorio de moda y puede cambiar para bien tu vida y la de los que te rodean.
Hay miles de motivos por los que sonreír. Para empezar..., porque estoy vivo, porque tengo amigos, porque conozco a personas buenas que son ejemplo para mí, porque tengo familia, porque puedo leer y disfrutar de la lectura, porque veo el sol, porque puedo disfrutar de los colores de la naturaleza, porque tengo recuerdos maravillosos, porque puedo descubrir cosas nuevas cada día, por la vida que me queda por vivir, porque tengo un proyecto nuevo...

Fuente: Taco-Calendario del Corazón de Jesús.

domingo, 6 de octubre de 2013


“El rosario, cuando no es mecánica repetición de formas tradicionales, es una meditación bíblica que nos hace recorrer los acontecimientos de la vida de la Señor en compañía de la Santísima Virgen María, conservándolos, como Ella, en nuestro corazón”.
Benedicto XVI

Vendrá la noche más larga.

Quinta entrega de "Las tribulaciones educativas de Klaus Tudent".

viernes, 4 de octubre de 2013

Hemos hecho lo que teníamos que hacer.

            En la  petición a Jesús para que les aumente su fe, justo después de que Éste les haya dicho que han de estar dispuestos a perdonar siempre, los apóstoles reconocen que  se les escapaban muchas cosas de Cristo y su persona, debido precisamente, a su falta de fe.           No obstante, no se trata simplemente de tener fe , sino de vivir de fe, buscando la voluntad de Dios  en cada acontecimiento de nuestra vida.
Cuando perdonamos a nuestros hermanos, no hacemos sino  participar del perdón recibido, “somos unos pobres siervos. Hemos hecho lo que teníamos que  hacer”.

Fuente: Revista Magníficat

miércoles, 2 de octubre de 2013


Otro año más, y van... el grupo de 3º ESO A, hemos cumplido la tradición de dar la bienvenida al otoño con el habitual recorrido botánico por la Vuelta del Castillo y Ciudadela.
Para ser sinceros, la verdad es que no todo  es tan bucólico y pastoril, dado que el alumnado tiene una prueba de evaluación sobre el citado recorrido el próximo viernes.